
The interdisciplinary of the scientific issues and the specificity that is demanded for the solution of complex biological problems, as well as the research work that has been done and the mobility that characterizes, nowadays, the researchers, have strongly influenced and highly motivated the development of Biosignal Lab. This is reflected in the fact that the Biosignal Lab is working as “LABORATORY WITHOUT WALLS”. As a result todayresearchers during their Ph.D. are working in foreign universities. The most significant achievement was the bilateral collaboration based in equity and for both sides beneficiary between Biosignal Laband other foreign universities. The collaborations that were developed are based on three axes: i) research funding through programs, ii) participation of young researchers iii) common publications

Our research group has developed, lasting for many years, fruitful cooperation on research projects and joint publications with the following universities and institutes in Japan, America andEurope:

  1. Department of Physics, University of Potsdam, Postdam, Germany (prof. M.Rosenblum)
  2. Department Biomedical Engineering, School of Medicine, The Johns HopkinsUniversity, Baltimore MD, USA (prof. Nitish Thakor)
  3. Human Brain Dynamics Lab, Brain Sciences Institute (RIKEN), Saitama, Japan (Dr. Andreas Ioannides)
  4. Department of Biometry/Epidemiology, Medical University of S. Carolina,Charleston SC, USA (prof. Frank Starmer)
  5. Department of Neurology, Clinical Neurophysiology Lab, SUNY, New York, NY,USA (prof. Ivan Bodis Wollner)
  6. Department of Electrotechnics, Technical University of Bucharest, Bucharest,Romania (prof. Paul Cristea).
  7. Department of Biomedical Engineering, Florida International University, Miami,FL, USA.
  8. Dept. of Infection Genetics Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research & Universityof Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Braunschweig Germany (prof. Dr. Klaus Schughart).
  9. Department of Clinical Sciences and Bioimaging and ITAB, University of Chieti,Chieti, Italy (prof. V. Pizella)